Our schools are located in Rancho Cordova, Lincoln Village and Sacramento.  We have offered our schools the option to pick up bulk food or have the prepackaged meals delivered to their school.  The bulk food each school packs has more food than in the prepackaged meals.  We send each school weekend food that includes; 2 breakfast items, 2 lunch items, 2 dinner items and 2 snacks.  The schools pack their students food in bags that we provide to them, and each Friday, during the final recess, the teachers will discreetly put the weekend food bags in the child's backpack.  The bag of food is kid friendly and is for just the child that receives it.  It's not intended to feed the entire family.  We really like KIDS helping KIDS, and we encourage our schools, with either way they decide to get their food, to include their students.  The HAVE NOTS know there are HAVES, and we want to ensure the HAVES know there are HAVE NOTS.

There are advantages and disadvantages to each method.

  • Prepackaged meals are sent directly to each school, so they do not need to come and pick up their food
  • BUT there is not as much food in the prepackaged meals

  • There is more food in the bulk items from us
  • BUT you must pick up the food at our food locker and pack it at their school