Who Will Feed The Kids This Weekend?

 Blessings in a Backpack - Rancho Cordova Will!

Research shows that healthy, well-nourished children learn better,

 are more likely to attend school, and are able to take advantage of educational opportunities.


Click on flyer for direct link.

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Please join us for the 1st Service Day in Rancho Cordova, May 18, 2024, where the city has chosen BIAB as one of the lucky nonprofits to have volunteers come and help us for the morning.  We plan on making it fun, and our job shouldn't take more than 2–3 hours, so come and join in all the good cheer that will be happening! 

The city of Rancho Cordova has a great day planned starting at 7am and this External link opens in new tab or windowLINK will take you directly to their website with all the info and how you can sign up.

We will be packing 500 weekend food bags starting at 8:00am at City Hall on May 18th and will be collecting food up until May 17th. 

Can you please help us by donating the following items?

Breakfast bars

Single serve oatmeal

Single serve cereal

Canned corn

Canned green beans

Cans/packs of tuna

Cup of Soup

Top Ramen

Pork & Beans

Beef sticks

Mac & Cheese cups or boxes

Fruit cups



Crackers & cheese


Fruit snacks





Thanks, and we hope to see you on May 18th!


The cost of EVERYTHING continues to climb, which, in turn, means our food costs continue to rise.  We are providing for over 670 children now and can use your help more than ever.  We understand that money is tight for EVERYONE, so maybe you can host a food drive where you work, pray or play for us.  Feel free to focus on one item from our menu and host a single item drive, e.g. Mac & Cheese Drive.


Click HERE for new volunteer opportunities

